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is a physical form of yoga that focuses on the practice of postures (asanas), breathing techniques (pranayama) and relaxation. In the West, Hatha Yoga is mainly a means to relax or reduce stress and thus regain harmony in life. In addition, the techniques are also attributed with a beneficial effect on the nervous system, the glands and other important organs, and in general a softening of the body occurs. In the West, the aim of Hatha Yoga is therefore primarily to promote health and wellbeing.

Reservation for this lesson is not necessary, always 1 free trial lesson. Always enough Yoga mats available for everybody.

Class Timetable

  Open Time Close Time Trainer Address
Thursday 20:15 21:15 Lieve Doggeweg 87 Zaventem
Saturday 09:00 10:15 Lieve Doggeweg 87 Zaventem
20:15 - 21:15 - Lieve - at Doggeweg 87 Zaventem
09:00 - 10:15 - Lieve - at Doggeweg 87 Zaventem

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Class Information

 Open: September 6, 2024
 Next: September 26, 2024

Class Trainer

30 parkeerplaatsen + straatparking

Doggeweg 87 1930 Zaventem

Doggeweg 87 1930 Zaventem


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